Get Involved

If you’re a big fan of the work we do and want to get in on the action, volunteer with CDP!

Our Colorado community is full of folks who are passionate about reproductive justice and we love bringing them into our fold by offering volunteer opportunities that are meaningful, enjoyable, and varied enough to appeal to people with different interests, skill sets, and time capacities.

Volunteer Abortion Doula

Our volunteer Abortion Doulas have been at the heart of our work since CDP was founded. Joining CDP as a volunteer Abortion Doula means you will have the opportunity to interact directly with abortion seekers (aka ‘clients’) and provide direct services by:

  • Getting trained as a certified Abortion Doula by CDP. 

  • Providing rides to and from the clinic/hotel/airport.

  • Accompanying clients to their appointments to provide emotional support.

  • Shopping for groceries and other necessities and delivering them to clients.

  • Sharing a meal with a scared and lonely client who traveled far from home. 

  • Providing information and emotional support to clients by phone or text.

  • And helping with anything General Volunteers do.


  • Have a warm, caring personality and the ability to treat all clients with compassion and respect, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and personal history with abortion.

  • Complete CDP’s Abortion Doula Training (ADT)! The ADT was developed by experienced abortion doulas and experts and is an online, self-directed course that can be taken at your own pace and teach you everything you need to know to be an Abortion Doula. All volunteer Abortion Doulas are required to have completed the ADT before applying as a volunteer. Read more about the ADT.


You must live in Colorado. Most of our volunteer opportunities are located in the Denver metro area and Boulder, but we regularly have opportunities in Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, and the Front Range. That being said, we frequently assign our doulas to provide emotional support over the phone, so even if you don’t live near an abortion clinic, we still encourage you to apply! 

Steps to becoming a volunteer Abortion Doula



Apply for CDP’s Abortion Doula Training and wait for your acceptance email! Because we have a small team and a lot of applications to process, we thank you for your patience.


Take the Course

Take the ADT! Once you are accepted, you will be able to start our completely online, self-directed course as soon as you want. It should take roughly 25 hours to complete. 



Apply to volunteer! After you complete the course, you will be invited to apply to volunteer as a volunteer Abortion Doula with CDP.

Got a group?
Email for group enrollment inquiries.