Abortion Doula Training

Now accepting applications!

Our online Abortion Doula Training (ADT) is the product of years of experience providing on-the-ground practical and emotional support to abortion seekers from all over the country. Designed with both personal and professional development in mind, this course will give you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to provide nonjudgmental, compassionate care for anyone having an abortion.

Read on for more information and instructions on how to apply.

Looking to enroll as a group?

Please email training@coloradodoulaproject.org for group enrollment inquiries.

What is an Abortion Doula?

An abortion doula can be the light that guides a friend, loved one, or stranger through their abortion journey. An abortion doula can be the driver during a silent car ride to a clinic, who comforts with their presence alone, or the person at the other end of the phone as they describe exactly what will happen during your procedure tomorrow--all the while managing to make it somehow less scary.  

In the most basic sense, an abortion doula can be anybody who provides non-medical support for someone going through an abortion. They are a friendly face, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, a source of information, and an advocate for their client’s care in a medical setting.  

A trained abortion doula, however, is someone who is equipped to provide nonjudgmental, knowledge-based care for someone experiencing a medical, surgical, or self-managed abortion.

Why should I become an Abortion Doula?

  • Are you someone who envisions a world where all people have the information, resources, and power to make informed decisions about their bodies and lives? 

  • Are you someone who believes every single person has the right to dictate when, how, and if they become parents? 

  • Are you someone who is motivated to provide on-the-ground support and compassionate care to members of your community throughout their abortion experience?

If you answered ‘yes’ to the questions above, our Abortion Doula Training is the perfect next step for you. 

How do I become an Abortion Doula?

You apply for and take our online Abortion Doula Training!

Colorado Doula Project’s Abortion Doula Training is a transformative online course that teaches you how to be an abortion doula in your own community. This self-directed training can be taken at your own pace, on your own time, and is applicable for anyone anywhere who wants to gain knowledge about reproductive justice and abortion, bolster their own personal development, or to gain the skills and expertise to go out into the world as an Abortion Doula, either on their own or with a local organization.

If you are interested in volunteering with Colorado Doula Project, our Abortion Doula Training is the prerequisite. After you graduate the course, you will be invited to apply and join our volunteer ranks!

Created and delivered by experienced abortion doulas, our Abortion Doula Training features guest speakers who are experts in abortion care, reproductive justice, and gender and sexuality. You will learn:

  • The medical basics of abortion procedures

  • How to check your biases and clarify your personal values

  • How to care for people having abortions

  • How to care for yourself as an abortion doula

  • Physical support techniques for people having surgical or medical abortions

  • The disparities in abortion care for people of color and queer and trans people, and how to combat reproductive injustice

  • and so much more!

How much does the Abortion Doula Training cost?

The suggested fee for this course is $275. We arrived at this number by taking into account the time and resources spent creating and managing the course, the years of expertise of the creators, and the value of the information provided.

However, we do not want to cost to be a barrier for anyone and you will have the option to pay what you wish and still become a certified Abortion Doula.

(Please note that this training falls under the "goods and services" designation of IRS law. Registration fees up to the fair market value of $275 are not tax deductible. CDP will issue a tax receipt for any additional amount above $275. If you have any questions, please email development@coloradodoulaproject.org.)

Will this be a safe space for me?

Racial and gender justice are cornerstone values here at Colorado Doula Project. Our training was created with an anti-racist lens and is explicitly queer- and trans-affirming. We use gender neutral terms for body parts, pregnancy, and parenting experiences. If you’re unfamiliar with or unpracticed in speaking about pregnancy and bodies in this way, don’t worry!